To play Overdrive, you need to have a mud client such as Mudlet or Tinyfugue. Below
there are instructions on how to obtain these two mud clients. While there are other
clients such as cMud or zMud (from Zuggsoft); those clients are no longer supported
and can be buggy. Mudlet will work for Windows, Mac, ChromOS and Linux; TF is
available for Mac. Mudlet is a good client that offers a decent GUI while TF is
command prompted. Also there are links to download .zip files for both Mudlet and TF
that offer some basic triggers and a "goto" program for paths.
------< Mudlet >------
*** For Mudlet Client click to go to their website download center -->Download mudlet
***-> Download Mudlet Goto: Mudlet Goto ** Files created by Packrat. **
------< Tiny Fugue >------
*** For TinyFugue (Mac only) install Homebrew by copying and pasting the following into a terminal session)
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
*** Then copy and paste the following line in the same terminal session:
brew install tiny-fugue,
****--> Download TF Files ** Files created by Symbolic and various other players. **
------< README >------
Be sure to read the README.txt file in the download (for both Mudlet and TF) for further instructions.