The Classes of Overdrive:
While new players entering the world of Farcaern for the first time start out as novices; and of course there are the Wizard players, Overdrive is home to five classes: Fighters, Mages, Necromancers, Priest, and Thieves. Each class is set up with the same "stats", however they all have unique skills and class talents: Fighters/Thieves have Talents, Mages have Spells, Necromancers have Incantations, and Priests have Gifts. Scroll through the radio buttons below to learn more about each class.
Fighters tend to be the muscle bound and physically sound sort in Farcaern. Training rigorously in their martial skill. While they may not spend much time or interest in the magical arts, their broad range of weapons and armors usually go a long way in making up for the differences. The southwest corner of Farcaern is where the fighters call home. Their primary stats are strength and constitution.
Mages harness the energy of the world to do their bidding. You can often get a quick glimpse of them as they teleport across Farcaern. Mages tend to be the brightest, intelligence wise, but lack the physical fortitude of a fighter. They have a variety of spells at their disposal, and their primary stat is intelligence, with a dabble of dexterity.
Necromancers feed off the dark energy of the world, and of course the corpses that scatter the ground. They are the darker half of their Mage and Priest brothers and sisters. While they also lack physical fortitude, they have the power to raise up to five corpses to help vanquish their enemies. Their primary stat is half wisdom, and half intelligence.
Priests are the holy and mystic types of Overdrive. They have an intimate and interdependent relationship with their deity, LLardin. While they can use a variety of weapons, they don't have the broadest range, and depend on holy power rather than strength of arms. Their primary stat is Wisdom, while strength and constitution is considered important as well.
When you can manage to find a thief, it usually comes at a high cost. Thieves are the slipperiest, stealthiest, most quick-handed creature you'll ever meet. Thieves like to use stealth to move about, have the ability to wield two weapons, and their backstab is legendary. Their primary stat is Dexterity, with consideration for other skills in due measure.